WABLGA 2020 Pennant Season
It is with deep regret to advise the committee has come to the difficult decision to cancel the WABLGA 2020 Pennant season. With the current COVID-19 restrictions, most Club courses are only open to their members and they are not currently in a position to commit to when they will be open to guests and/or external events. As the Pennant season was due to commence on the 29th June, it is unfeasible for us to obtain alternative courses at this late stage.
Championships & Silver Spoon
We are going to resume these events and have asked all clubs to complete a revised Qualifying Rounds nomination form as the qualifying dates have been extended. Although we have not fully secured the courses for finals due to start in September, we believe we have sufficient time to make alternative arrangements if required. We look forward to your participation to make these events enjoyable and successful.
We recently received confirmation from Royal Fremantle that they would retain our fixtured date of Sunday 2nd August (originally for the Pennant Finals) for us to hold a Foursomes event. The format will depend on where things stand with COVID-19 restrictions and may dictate our options for competitor numbers and post-game presentations and meals. Further updates on this event will be provided as they materialise.
We trust you understand the decisions undertaken by the committee to date have been made with the full consideration of our WABLGA members and the overall health and wellbeing of our greater community.
Happy golfing and please stay safe and well.
Kind regards
Linda Silverlock
WABLGA President